Structure testing
Potentiometric and magneto resistive displacement sensor – PY2
PY2-range sensors are designed to measure linear displacements from 0-10 mm to 100 mm. Three measurement ranges are available, all with a linearity ranging from 0.2 to 0.1%.
They feature a contact tip and a return spring and they include a potentiometric plastic track.
- Separate linearity up to ± 0,1%.
- Infinite resolution.
- Lifespan > 100x106 operations.
- Displacement speed up to 10 m/s.
- Protection class: IP40.
Bending sensor – Serie F1200
F1200-range sensors are designed to measure forces by operating on both bending directions, through a measuring range from 0.5N (full scale) to 125N P.E.
This is the first low cost range of sensors offering accurate readings. Features proposed by vacuum-packed stress gauges are excellent, including exceptional long-lasting stability.